That's the feeling I had this week as I waited for my invitation to the Peace Corps to come in the mail. I checked the mail every day when I got home from work. I was deeply disappointed at the end of the week when it hadn't yet come. And then the brown UPS truck rolled up...
This is it!

I get the feeling that from here on out will be a wild roller coaster ride!
YOU DID IT!!! Thats awesome cuz! I am so proud of you, and excited for this new adventure you are about to embark on thousands of miles away! I have been wondering when you were going to hear something. You have to be so excited for this. God has a plan for you somewhere, and I know that you are readily aware of that. This year will not only be life changing for you, but all the people that have the pleasure of coming in contact with you. SO WHEN IS THE GOING AWAY PARTY hahaha