Today's been a productive day considering I don't have a job now. I listened in on two conference calls. I only had to call in for one of them, but I did both. Over-achiever, I know. It must be the marketer in me that has to collect as much information as possible, no matter how seemingly useless. I even stayed on the line at the end of each call so that I could hear the names of all of the other volunteers who called in. You may call that creepy, but I call it research.
I started packing last night. I didn't think it would be this hard. I mean, how difficult is it to take all of the stuff that I need to pack and stuff it into a couple of suitcases? I kept finding myself running into this weird emotional barrier. Once I saw everything laid out in front of me I felt overwhelmed. I'm not worried about going over my weight limit or that I will forget to pack something. It's more like the weight of what my life is going to be like for the next two years finally hit me.
I bought some seeds today. I'm not sure if they will make it past customs, but it's worth a try. It sounds like it is very easy to grow things in Rwanda, so I am excited to grow a garden once I get to my site. Of course, it's probably easier to grow a garden almost anywhere besides the High Desert! I got some basil (my favorite herb), tomatoes, zucchini, and cilantro. I should have gotten jalapenos too so that I can make salsa. Care package, anyone?
In between this illusion of productivity, I've been sitting in my room listening to Thrice's Major/Minor album over and over again. Dearest Thrice, you are going to be my crutch of sanity for the next two years!